Vintage Photos Of Long Beach
Our JCC gallery in Oceanside is currently exhibiting vintage photos of Long Beach. This show will be running through the end of December, 2019.
The Pet Portrait Show 2019, is currently on exhibit at the West End Long Beach Library at 903 W. Beech Street, Long Beach, NY

The above photo montage was created by WEA founding Board Member, Bob Shanley.
Our current special event is The 'Window Works Art Walk' project. It is a collaboration between artists who are or become West End Arts members and the owners of unoccupied commercial spaces in Long Beach, NY. This promises to become the largest and most exciting exhibiting project for the arts in the history of the Long Beach, NY area. Artwork will be displayed in locations all over town, including both unoccupied commercial spaces and restaurants.
For more information, visit:
Window Works Art Walk on Facebook
West End Arts on Twitter
and these facebook events:
Window Works Art Walk Project on Facebook is about the Nov 1 informational monthly meeting devoted to all questions about the project.
Window Works Art Walk, Site Installation #1
Window Works Art Walk, Site Installation #2
Window Works Art Walk, Site Installation #3